I was born in Texas and graduated from Yale University in 1971 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Later in 2010 I received a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota in the history of science and technology.
Early after college graduation I learned how to make pottery and have done that most of my life. My professional career has focused on fundraising for non-profits – specifically working with donors on their estate planning and leaving estate gifts to the charity of their choice.
I moved to Minnesota in 1994 to work at St John’s in Collegeville as the Director of Planned Giving, and then I worked at several organizations in the Twin Cities including the University of Minnesota, the Basilica of St Mary, Children’s Hospital, Fairview Health, and Ebenezer Senior Care before retiring in 2020.
Simultaneously with my working career, I discovered Empty Bowls – a community event in which potters donate bowls, restaurants donate soup, and neighbors come together to share a bowl of soup and make a free-will donation to a charity that helps feed people. You leave the event with your bowl, now empty, as a reminder that you’ve helped to fill the empty bowls in your neighborhood. I have supported several of such events in the Twin Cities in the last 15 to 20 years.
I look forward to door knocking, parades, and talking to folks.
Meet Michael at an Event near you.
My loved ones include my two adopted daughters and their families in the Twin Cities.
Watch this video to learn more about Michael’s work to reduce hunger with the Empty Bowls project.