Michael Ziomko


What I will work to accomplish for you

Lower your income taxes

Reduce your income taxes 90% on the first $85,000 of taxable income.

I will also work to eliminate taxes on  Social Security benefits and Veterans pensions. All these ideas seem like the simplest practical way for you to have more money in your bank account to spend on groceries, gas, and other necessities.

Free childcare!

Provide universal day care for your children.

An expense that many have, and if the state provided it, you’d have more money in your bank account.

Senior benefits

Address the needs of the growing senior population both in institutions and with at-home care.

Right now 15.9% of Minnesotans are over 65. It is even higher in the rural counties – 26.2% in Traverse, 23.3% in Grant, 19.7% in Wilkin, and 25.6% in Otter Tail. The proportion and number of seniors will only grow in the next 40 years.

What programs can we create and what support can we offer so that people can afford to live comfortably and happily in a senior care residence or at home?  My 5 years of work at Ebenezer, the largest senior care organization in the state, only made me more aware of the needs — now, how do we solve them — for the seniors and their families?

Pass the ERA!

Equal rights for all is something we’ve been working to perfect since the founding of our country.  Once again, it is basic to our core value of freedom – let’s pass it!

The US Constitution begins with “We the people…” We have over the last 235 years gradually become more inclusive. It’s time that “all” of us – regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation – become part of the “we.” This amendment also includes a woman’s right to choose.

Reduce Hunger!

We already have free breakfast and lunch for children at school. Add an afternoon snack and weekend food packs.

I’m also thinking about the larger issue of hunger in our society – there are so many who just don’t have enough to eat.  I’ve spent many years helping with Empty Bowl events that help to feed people.  I’d like to look at what we can do as a society that puts more resources into making sure we all eat well.

Energy Conservation

Create a state-sponsored program to provide solar cell  (photovoltaic) installations for homes to reduce your electric bill.

In addition to this immediate economic benefit, it will provide an overall conservation of energy which will provide benefits to us now, as well as our children and grandchildren. I first became involved with solar work 40 years ago and have watched it blossom since then. We have the technology – we can do this! 

Expand free college!

Expand the North Star Promise Scholarship program to include more Minnesotans by doubling the eligibility from family adjusted gross income of under $80,000 to $160,000.  

Even more Minnesotans will be able to go to college tuition free, and therefore start their lives after graduation free of debt to live more easily — and to dream!

Fund Schools

Greater state funding for public schools to reduce your property taxes.

Our smaller population in rural areas often times isn’t enough to provide a strong public education for our kids.  We should give ourselves a break on individual property taxes and have the state be the bulwark of support for our children’s and grandchildren’s education.

Position Statement

Running for the House 9A seat is important to me, because it’s an opportunity to do things that help us take better care of each other and accept each other. We’ve got problems – no question about it, and issues that need attention – I just want to sit down and have conversations that help us come up with solutions.

First thing I want to do is help you keep more money in your bank account, by…
  • Reducing the income taxes 90% on the first $85,000 of taxable income.
  • No taxes on your Social Security checks.
  • No taxes on Veterans’ pension benefits.
  • A photovoltaic installation program that will reduce your electric bill and make cleaner air for our kids.
  • Greater state aid for K-12 education to reduce or stabilize your property taxes.

Beyond taxes, I want to help with two important programs…
  • Child care – they deserve everything we can do for them!
  • Greater support for seniors – in a facility or at home. A bus in each facility or in each area, to help folks get around easier. The senior population is 20-25% here in rural Minnesota – let’s take care of them!

A third issue, just should not exist – so let’s do away with it:
  • Let’s make sure no one is hungry!

And then, for younger people and anyone who wants support for college…
  • Increase the North Star Promise at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities from 2 to 4 years of higher ed and the family eligibility from $80,000 to $160,000.

Beyond the issues that cost money, there is one extremely important one that addresses how we accept and treat each other.
  • Make the ERA an amendment to the MN Constitution. The US Constitution begins with “We the people…” We have over the last 235 years gradually become more inclusive. It’s time that “all” of us – regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other personal differences – become part of the “we,” and this includes a woman’s right to choose.

Thank you for your support.

Ziomko for MN House District 9A

© 2024 Committee to Elect Michael Ziomko